We’ve been invited to apply for a grant from BIFFA Award for these desperately needed projects, but we have to demonstrate need and support from the community – i.e. YOU! We need a minimum of 500 participants in the following survey – it takes one minute and is super easy. Just click the link HERE and please spread the word! Responses must be in by 7th April. Thank you so much!
The Dell is closed on Monday mornings until 12.30pm for the gardening club.
Become a member of Mapesbury Dell Trust. It's free. It helps to support the Dell. You get to have your say about how the Dell is run and you get advance notice of what is happening in the Dell and invitations to events. Volunteer to help with the Gardening Team, Events or Projects. Tell us what you like about the Dell, how you think we can make it better and about any concerns you have.