Our Green Housekeeping Policies

The Trust believes that the Dell should be designed and maintained in a sustainable way. We have a 'Green Monitoring' Officer - Helena Negus - who is to see that, wherever practicable we comply with our policies. We aim to adhere to the following guiding principles:

  • Biodiversity The Trust seeks to increase the biodiversity of the site.We will seek to 

- remove invasive species, particularly alien introductions;
- increase the range of native species, particularly birds and amphibians and small mammals, including bats;

- create new habitats;

- monitor the biodiversity of the site in the future.

  • Materials We shall minimise the quantity of materials brought onto and removed from the site: 

- use the existing trees and plants so far as practicable; 
- maximise the use of found materials on-site and locally; 
- adopt a peat and other non-renewable resource free regime; 

  • Energy We seek to:

- exploit the use of 2nd hand materials; 
- maximise the use of renewable resources produced from sustainable sources;
 - minimise the use of non-renewable energy-intensive materials.

  • Transport We aim to reduce the environmental impact of the transport of materials and people to and from the site. We intend: 

- So far as practicable to use local suppliers and supplies; 
- publicise the garden as a local resource; - involve local schools in using the Dell as an environmental education resource;

- compost and re-cycle waste materials.

  • Publicity, Marketing and Administration Publicity, work materials and documents produced by the project should aim to reduce paper wastage by: 

- use of e-mail where possible; 
- use of duplex printing; - use ofre-cycled paper; 
- encouragement of the re-cycling of our printed materials.

The Dell is closed on Monday mornings until 12.30pm for the gardening club.

Join Up!

Become a member of Mapesbury Dell Trust. It's free. It helps to support the Dell. You get to have your say about how the Dell is run and you get advance notice of what is happening in the Dell and invitations to events. Volunteer to help with the Gardening Team, Events or Projects. Tell us what you like about the Dell, how you think we can make it better and about any concerns you have. 


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© Mapesbury Dell Trust - Registered for Gift Aid ref: EW 00811