This was a glorious September day. The children had a wonderful time, howling with laughter as they were entertained by Mr. Marvel.
So many helpers turned up with cakes, to say nothing of all the friends of the Trust who helped to set it all up and serve teas.
Market Stalls
The bring and buy 'nearly new' children's market stalls were busier than ever, with more than 10 families coming to recycle their outgrown children's toys, books and equipment. The market just grows bigger and bigger each year.
We don't charge for market stalls, but our thanks go to the many stallholders who voluntarilymade generous donations to the Trust.
All the photos were provided by Jenny Iliffe, a professional photographer, who gives of her time to help us out with photos of our events. Visit her website.
If you are unhappy with any of the photos, please let us know at once..
The Dell is closed on Monday mornings until 12.30pm for the gardening club.
Become a member of Mapesbury Dell Trust. It's free. It helps to support the Dell. You get to have your say about how the Dell is run and you get advance notice of what is happening in the Dell and invitations to events. Volunteer to help with the Gardening Team, Events or Projects. Tell us what you like about the Dell, how you think we can make it better and about any concerns you have.